Hotel Contracts: A Road Map to Successful Hotel Negotiations

Printable Version"Well drafted contracts can save your organization money and unnecessary aggravation"

The days of "my word is my bond" and "handshake deal", are gone forever. In today's turbulent economic times and rapidly changing market, hotel contracts are becoming increasingly complex and liability laden. Therefore, these contracts require greater scrutiny on behalf of organizations than in the past. All contractual issues must be addressed clearly and concisely, before a meeting professional or exhibition manager should sign on the dotted line.

To avoid the unanticipated consequences of entering into a liability-laden contract unintentionally, exposition mangers can incorporate or modify a large number of contractual provisions, which will substantially reduce your organization's exposure to unnecessary liability and risks. However, it takes knowledge combined with thoughtful and direct communication with the facilities and vendors to accomplish this, while at the same time satisfying the objectives of both you and the facility or service provider.

Participants will be provided with an overview of contract negotiating tips, and greater understanding of the important legal issues that need to be reviewed, modified or included in today's exposition contracts. Special focus will be paid to the areas of attrition/performance provisions, cancellation/liquidated damages fees, outside the block attendee credit and auditing issues, the effects and problems associated with online guestrooms reservations, as well as security and Force Majeure concerns.

Learner Outcomes:
This session will enable participants to:

  • More effectively and efficiently negotiate facility and service provider contracts.
  • Develop a greater awareness of your contractual rights and obligations in order to avoid potential liability pitfalls and disputes in advance.
  • Better understand the importance of cancellation, attrition, and liquidated damages clauses, as well as the true meaning of "Boiler Plate Clauses" in the contracts.


For more information on these or other topics, or to book a workshop session or training seminar, please click here to contact us.