How Well Drafted Supplier and Vendor Contracts Can Save Money and Unnecessary Aggravation
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All event related vendor and supplier contracts, including general services contractors, housing services providers, event registration companies, security management firms, transportation services, audio-visual supplies, electrical contractors, software and apps developers, and the like are becoming increasingly complex. Their terms and conditions require a greater commitment on behalf of organizations utilizing their services and products than in the past. Therefore, it is essential that meeting professionals and exhibition managers be well prepared before negotiating these types of contracts.

You can negotiate a great number of items in supplier and vendor contracts, but it takes thoughtful and direct communication with your suppliers and vendors to satisfy both your objectives and theirs.  

Participants will be provided with contract negotiating tips, and a greater understanding of the important legal issues that need to be reviewed, modified or included in today’s vendor and supplier agreements to minimize liability exposure and ensure proper performance.

Learner Outcomes:
This session will enable participants to:

  • More effectively and efficiently negotiate facility and vendor/supplier contracts.
  • Develop a greater awareness of your contractual rights and obligations in order to avoid potential disputes in advance.
  • Better understand the importance of cancellation, attrition, and liquidated damages clauses, as well as the true meaning of "Boilerplate Clauses" in these contracts.


For more information on these or other topics, or to book a workshop session or training seminar, please click here to contact us.