In today’s turbulent and rapidly changing market, spurred on in part by an unprecedented amount of consolidation within numerous industries, associations and events driven organizations are looking for creative ways to reduce costs, maximize revenues, on one hand while trying to increase exhibitor and attendee participation in their events - A very tricky and precarious balancing act indeed.
To accomplish this miraculous feat more and more organizations are or considering co-locating their events with another organizations’ events. While this can have very positive results for the co-locating entities, organizations must carefully consider both the short and long term ramifications of their co-location arrangements. Before an organization signs on the dotted line, the co-locating parties need to clearly and concisely address a multitude of issues. However, it takes knowledge combined with thoughtful and candid communications between the parties and their vendors to accomplish this, in order to satisfy the objectives of each organization and their members and exhibitors.
This session will provide attendees with an overview of the major co-location issues which must be addressed, contract negotiating tips, and a greater understanding of the important legal issues that need to be reviewed, modified or included in today’s co-location agreements. Special focus will be paid to handling and maintaining control of proprietary information, revenue sharing, facility and housing arrangements, transportation cost sharing and various liability related issues, including cancellation/liquidated damages fees, guestroom usage and Force Majeure concerns.
Learner Outcomes:
This session will enable participants to:
For more information on these or other topics, or to book a workshop session or training seminar, please click here to contact us.